Trump's sway over hardcore followers reminiscent of Rawat's
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canadawarbler ®

02/25/2017, 19:34:02
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Trump needed another dunk into the narcissistic adulatory high he got from the campaign crowds, so held a "Campaign rally" in Florida last weekend, week 4 of his Presidency. This newsclip interview by CNN of a Trump supporter after it ends with a statement by the supporter that echoes how many of us felt immediately after a Rawat (cult) event.   Watch this woman's enthralled look, her apologist statements, and especially her last statement, which was something along the lines of "you had to be there to feel it - you feel like he's talking right to you". 

(Sorry, it starts out with a 15 sec furniture ad, at least on my screen.)

One thing being in the Rawat cult for so many years did for me (thanks to the PR Forum's members posts, and the PR Bio site, EPO) was to sensitize me to pick up the skunk-like scent of narcissistic cult leaders who are only out for themselves.   Trump, obviously, is far more dangerous than Rawat was, in terms of potential damage for millions or billions of people.   He also is more unhinged (re conspiracy theories, anti-science, etc), and appears to lack intellectual capacity and attention span for balanced analysis.  This makes him far more dangerous than most narcissists who've been in positions of power in the past.

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