"thinking" is all too familiar - self serving Prem Rawat damage control
Re: Re: About the cultural taboo thing -- maria77 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Susan ®

04/27/2024, 18:48:42
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Date: Thurs, Jun 28, 2001 at 17:37:32 (GMT)
From: Richard
Email: None
To: ********
Subject: *******, you are being disingenuous

Stop painting all that Maharaji has done and all premies with your sanctimonious victim brush. That is just wrong. That demonstrates a misrepresentation of the real situation, and it shows what kind of character you are really made of. Right now I count 2 people who have stepped forward and claimed abuse by Jagdeo. Okay agreed, there is no excuse for even one case of child abuse, but 2 cases in 30 years does not represent a systemic corruption of the fundamental principles of a man or an organization, like you are representing the situation.

Okay ****** you’ve been wronged. So is that your crusade in life now? And so you are willing to ally with a group of spiteful people with their own axes to grind to further your crusade while they use you to further theirs -- which by the way is not to protect the victims of child abuse. The whole thing you’re doing is crap and I don’t care if the whole fucking world sides with you, it is wrong. You are participating in the wrongful demonization of not only Maharaji but all premies, who on the whole are as sincere a group of human beings as you will find.



Divine United Organization (DUO), a society registered in India with similar goals and values to the US organization Elan Vital Inc. (EVI), has initiated civil action against a former instructor accused of inappropriate sexual behavior more than twenty-five years ago.

The lawsuit, lodged in India’s Sub-Judge Court, in Patna, charges Jagdeo Upadhaya, a retired instructor of the former Divine Light Mission, with “inappropriate and tortuous behavior” and having breached his duty to the organization.

EVI spokesperson, Linda Gross, said DUO and other Elan Vital organizations around the world would not tolerate such behavior.
“If Upadhaya did this, then it is a terrible thing for the victims and a violation of our organization’s trust and decency - values for which we are respected worldwide," she said.

When the first of the alleged victims came forward in 1999, EVI immediately began inquiries. At the time, Upadhaya was living in retirement at a DUO ashram in Mehrauli, India. When confronted with the allegations, he left the ashram and has not been seen since.

The second alleged victim, claiming to have been abused by Upadhaya in 1976, contacted EVI in April 2001.
“In the absence of any criminal or civil action filed by the alleged victims, DUO resolved that pursuing Upadhaya through a civil action was the proper course of action,” Ms Gross said.'



Conflicting and spurious allegations regarding the alleged incidents of sexual abuse have been posted anonymously on the Internet and EVI is concerned to set the record straight. We make the following points:

  • Neither alleged victims has ever taken law enforcement or legal action over the alleged childhood incidents.
  • Both alleged victims claim to have previously notified EVI about the incident. Our inquiry determined that these claims were unfounded.
  • The second alleged victim detailed psychological difficulties encountered as a result of the alleged abuse. Although under no legal obligation to do so, EVI responded immediately with an offer of help, including payment for professional counseling of the person’s choice. This offer was rejected. The person then demanded a large amount of cash, public apologies from persons uninvolved with the episode, and, finally, that EVI buy her a house. Later, the person’s attorney told EVI that the organization would have to pay dearly to buy the alleged victim’s silence. We found these actions disconcerting. Subsequently, EVI learned that the person had been simultaneously negotiating with the producers of Australian television’s “Sixty Minutes” to broadcast the story, who apparently turned it down. The person then began negotiating with the French Communist magazine “Combat Face Au Sida,” which advocates actions based on the recently passed “About-Picard” law. This law, which is considered to restrict freedom of thought, conscience and religion in France, has been strongly criticized by the US State Department, members of the United States Congress as well as by civil rights leaders worldwide. According to the Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, the law ” goes against freedom of association, expression, religion and conscience; it imperils the rights of minorities and creates prejudices incompatible with the notion of tolerance intrinsic to human rights.”

EVI spokesperson, Linda Gross, said that even after DUO had indicated that, to the best of its knowledge, Upadhaya was living in Buxar in the Indian State of Bihar, the alleged victims continued to make false and conflicting claims that DUO was harboring Upadhaya and had not revealed his whereabouts.

“Any statement that EVI harbored this man, and innuendo that EVI knew of and ignored the allegations of sexual misconduct are flatly false and defamatory. It is just not true,” Ms Gross said.


Prior to this date, if one consults the archives, there are many posts by this victim discussing her interactions with Prem Rawat representatives, Valerio Pascotto, Kathy, and Tim Gallwey are all named. The obvious implication is something akin to the post that follows is to be expected.

Webmaster's note:-

'A's story appeared here until May 2002. At that time, she requested that personal details of her story be removed from the site. Although she never confirmed it, the webmaster of this site believes this was a condition of a settlement she had reached with Elan Vital. It is also believed that another condition was the publication on Elan Vital's website of an invitation to other victims to come forward. This invitation (
http://www.elanvital.org/policies.html) is so well hidden on their site, it is unlikely that any victim of Jagdeo would ever find it,

The events 'A' described took place at Wringford Manor when she was seven. She describes Jagdeo sexually abusing a room full of children, and then asking all the other children to leave. Then behind a locked door, he raped 'A'. This was repeated on several occasions. 'A' described her feelings of horror, and the way she felt her body no longer belonged to her. She made one attempt through a third party to tell her mother, but she did not have the language, and her mother didn't understand. Jagdeo was, after all, a Holy man.

Years later she told her father who was horrified. He told other premies, including Gurucharnanand, one of the most senior people working for Maharaji. Nothing was done to stop Jagdeo touring. 'A's father later renounced Maharaji.

Subject: Re: Pedophilia in the Maharaji Cult
From: CPG
To: Joe
Date Posted: Thurs, Jul 11, 2002 at 17:06:25 (PDT)
Email Address: Not Provided

If true, the allegations against Jagdeo are reprehensible and deserve to be looked into. However, with only ONE victim coming forward out of the hundreds of thousands in contact with Jagdeo over the years, this sounds very difficult. How does one contact other victims if they don't come forward/. And lets make it clear there were no allegations of complicity by Maharaji in this alleged crime as reported by the one alleged victim.

This guy CPG is just about crowing about the success of the cult in silencing a victim. You would think he wouldn't want to ring that bell, but no, he has to brag that only ONE now is willing to be named.

I think 20+ years ago Prem Rawat's representatives showed just how kind they are to victims of child sexual assault. If they would go so far to distance Prem from having known about a child sexual abuser in his organization, how far will they go if the allegation is against Prem Rawat himself?

The excuse that what is being discussed is some kind and gentle affectionate custom, or if that doesn't stick, a medical procedure, is absurd and self serving. Lakeshore addressed that so well here.


It's textbook Standard Maharajia Apologia- but tailored to throwing it all against the wall in this specific case because something might stick. 

Who is "Thinking"s intended audience? They have serious contempt for ex-premies. So it's probably not the regulars here. I think it's the lurkers. I think they have thrown out a bunch of crap for premies to latch onto who are looking for any reason to disbelieve yet another allegation of child sexual abuse within the Prem Rawat cult. Cynically, I speculate that they have lost some donors. Maybe even a major donor. 


(Sara Sidner is on my TV right now, looking gorgeous and amazing in her royal blue dress. The way CNN hosted Prem Rawat and ignored my request for an explanation of her long time family involvement with Prem Rawat continues to dismay me. I naively think people should give a crap about the things they claim to give a crap about.)

It was never about me-


If you have a Perfect Master You can't do anything but worship him


Modified by Susan at Sat, Apr 27, 2024, 18:59:51

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