Re: The usefulness of a Messiah
Re: The usefulness of a Messiah -- 13 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

04/11/2024, 07:11:14
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(Much appreciated relief, but - as everyone knows - not a substitute for all the seriousness brought to light here.)

In keeping with whimsical, I've been open lately to sharing the very first thought that pops up in my mind as I'm reading posts. (Sometimes I marvel a just how out there some of them are!) Thoughts that in the cult were forbidden and dismissed as the cause of separation from Guru Maharaji a/k/a god. The kind of thoughts that got you branded as a bongo and deprived of service opportunities... or never called upon to give satsang. But really the kinds of whimsical thoughts that serve as the seeds of inspiration, creativity, invention and advancement in every aspect of civilization. (Not that mine ever contributed much!)

So in keeping with my hopefully temporary first thought honesty phase:

"I now can't imagine the need or the use of such a figure"

The first thought that popped into my mind was... stick it on a wall! When I was a kid, we played this game called Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Just to double-check (in my old age) the spelling of tail (tail/tale), I googled it and to my surprise, I found out that its also known as Pin the Tail on the Bunny, Dinasaur, Mermaid, Unicorn, Dragon and Pig.

AI or no AI, given that my first thought was based on "the usefulness of a messiah," I guess my crazy mind wasn't that far out there after all.

"And the mysteries of the universe seem infinite and I am quite small. So I learn what I can, what I can benefit from and what I'm curious about and if I knew more would that situation really change? I'd still only know a tiny bit. Can't fit much more into my brain."

The first thing that popped into my mind was "how refreshing," particularly in contrast to all those know-it-alls who can't seem to grasp how small they are and how tiny the little bits they know really are. That definitely falls into one of those "seeds of" categories!

Good luck with the dilemmas and concrete pipes.

Modified by lakeshore at Thu, Apr 11, 2024, 07:41:58

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