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Re: Re: I can understand that -- prembio Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

04/03/2024, 10:12:29
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I think we found common ground.

I know you are just saying that other stuff just to say it, but obviously there is a difference between addressing the potential health problems of being overweight with ridiculing someone for it. 

It does seem to be approaching a new normal in some places though. This is a slightly different issue I think. In the past, when you and I were young'uns, overweight people were highly ridiculed and at the same time standards of beauty for women at least were extremely rigid. Women all had to be perfectly thin or looked down upon. So it is progress that women don't live under that same level of pressure anymore and society is more accepting of diverse body types. The same is true for men as well, but they had more leeway. There was this notion that the wife had to at least be less overweight than her husband. To the extent that this has changed I hope you can agree that this is all good and not just those damn newfangled ideas ruining everything for us seniors.

Nevertheless being above a certain weight category does increase your risk for lots of diseases as we all know. You can decide to accept that as part of having a good life or not. I think people should do what they want, but then should not regret those choices when the piper comes for payment. 

At the same time it is really important to recognise that it is not necessarily a choice to be overweight or have unhealthy habits and we shouldn't condemn people for it: "Well he smoked all his life what does he expect." People for all kinds of reasons end up going down wrong paths without making a conscious choice to do so as well.

Like joining a cult for example. It would be interesting to do a survey among us ex-followers to ask how many of us had poor relationships with our fathers. It seems like a lot did. And I wouldn't want to condemn cult followers for being so stupid either.

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