Kim O'Leary
Re: Re: I'm conflicted -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

03/27/2024, 08:06:28
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I was also unsettled by the characterization of Kim O'Leary as a "misery minstrel" and especially references to her age-related appearance and diminished voice. 

The music of One Foundation served as a proxy for my heart and it accurately reflected the teachings of Prem Rawat at the time. If Kim was a misery minstrel, it was only because she served as a clear conduit for those teachings and my condition as a premie: a basket case beggar who was nothing without the grace of Guru Maharaji. Prem Rawat's cult indoctrination dictated that the best position to be in was that of an empty-cup beggar desperate to be filled with Guru Maharaji's grace, love and protection.

"What can a premie do but beg Guru Maharaji for that grace. Get on you hands and knees and beg! Pray for that grace!"

Kim did an impeccable job of channeling what I and thousands of others were feeling. Strictly on the basis of striving for excellence - and her talent - I admired her for what she did. If anyone thinks she was good at what she did, they should've seen my impeccable spreadsheets! Or the precision with which I picked-up the tiniest piece of lint from the carpet of Guru Maharaji's Boeing 707 the night I walked through it when it dawned on me to not just gawk but do something!

As for Kim's loss or sacrifice of a more successful career as a musician, it's no different than the derailed potential of hundreds if not thousands of other victims of that cult. Why should she be singled out simply because her particular talent - what she had to offer - happened to place her on the stage under the spotlights? Payouts, NDAs, acting under the influence of others (which I surely did) or whatever, I'm sure I would've done the same and I don't see how those things alone qualify her to be singled out or viewed as an insider.

I was also inspired by her apparent sincerity and authenticity. (I can't say the same about her replacement.) I didn't know she was no longer practicing Knowledge and I was saddened to learn that she suffered from anxiety and possibly depression. I can only hope she's doing well.

I play my guitars as a hobby. I was getting good at it before it all abruptly ended when I received Knowledge at age 19. That's why I admired and felt jealous of Fuzzby for his Stratocaster brilliance as he played next to Kim. Instead, I got stuck finger-picking Kim's "leaving your lotus feet, oh where would I go" at nightly satsang.

As far as I'm concerned, Kim's story is just another cult tragedy. I listened to a few of her new songs. She loves music and she's still giving it her best. We could be friends. I did everything I could to conceal my devotion to Prem Rawat throughout my career and for good reason; I certainly can't fault her for trying. And whatever missteps she may have made in her life, morally or otherwise, I have no doubt they were nothing compared to mine.

Lastly, I've had very harsh words for people like myself who wait until the last minute and come in over-the-top after everyone else has had their say - words I can't even repeat. The truth is that I was reluctant - chicken actually - because avoiding conflict and disagreement is part of my nature. Although I have a deep sense of how I came to be that way, I'm certainly not proud of it.

It was the ease and conviction with which Lesley and Susan spoke out that compelled me to back them up at this late moment, and I thank them for that.


Modified by lakeshore at Wed, Mar 27, 2024, 10:35:15

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