Re: My friend is confused, any suggestions?
Re: My friend is confused, any suggestions? -- 1972 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

03/20/2024, 17:48:35
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Geez. I feel for your friend. I used to tell'em stuff like... think of it as a test to see how surrendered you are or how empty your cup is. After all, it's for the rest of your life, so what difference does another six months make?

Anyway, that was then. So I checked with the HDSK and Priyan folks and my contacts at WOPG and WOPINTL. (They didn't listen to me when I tried to explain why they didn't need both.) They all suggested that if Wadi over there at Timeless can't help, then maybe Daya over there at TPRF might be able to pull some strings. Apparently, they both know more about a lot of things they don't share with the public.

I give your friend an A+ for his effort and sincerity. Unfortunately, those things won't get him very far. Oh... one more thing. Please tell him to be careful thinking outside the box. They really don't like that sort of thing. (One of them even called TED a bongo.)

Great post! I'd call it a great parody, except it isn't a parody. It's the way it is. Straight out of Prem's playbook since the first time he said propagation is about to take off. Just like when he told the ashrams to be ready for him to drop by unexpectedly any day. Just like the stadium full of aspirants in Cuba. Just like when he talked about building a premie retirement community. Just like the way he became a best-selling author. And so on for fifty years. The greatest magician's misdirection by which he draws attention towards one thing to distract it from another.

Just like when the kids want to help their parents cook, and so mom or dad tells them to sit in the corner and count the spoons. It's really demeaning, but the kids are too young to know they're being manipulated. That's why it's so sad to see adults in their golden years continue to fall for it. And why it's so insulting to see the cult still trying to pull it off.

While your friend's at it, please ask him to ask Daya about "peace, dignity and prosperity." I'm not seeing any peace in your friend's predicament either, and there's certainly no dignity. Hopefully he can get some answers before he loses his prosperity.

Modified by lakeshore at Wed, Mar 20, 2024, 17:51:28

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