Re: Monika speaks
Re: Re: Monika speaks -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

03/17/2024, 15:54:39
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I believe they may both when it serves them believe themselves to be gopis. There are some facts that support that at least one uses the term in reference to herself.  Like a certain personalized license plate with the term and other cutesy clever ways to use the term- Gopi. Even the number one Gopi. 

I sometimes think that whatever one calls the sick Maharaji/Rawatism beliefs that they are extremely fluid and there are no "facts" so whatever one of them says on any given day that they are feeling is the "fact" . In other cults it's called lying of God or some such thing, but a lot of cults have this ends justify the means and the central fact that Rennie Davis said "The Lord is on the Planet" remains a core belief, but denying that when convenient or denying basically anything for any reason that might serve the Master is I think, probably perfectly ok with core premies. Even if one core person is said to have said she wants to "live in the light of the truth" or another refers to not wanting to be "all premie la la" that self insight while sounding admirable in the moment, crumbles when the rubber meets the road-- which in my judgment is pretty much the same crumbling for the same reasons that Mishler and Dettmers describe in Prem, so if those around him think similarly, Lakeshore really nailed it. 

So Gopi when you want to be and CEO another day wife student premie speaker daughter brother friend baby child man or woman... all labels and concepts and not real, so those pesky facts ... not facts at all because facts are concept and we all are going to die anyway. Enjoy life!

Yes, her charm slips greatly. And sometimes it may slip into almost sounding desperate.  not even novel to Prem Rawatism

Modified by Susan at Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 16:06:39

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