Re: Monika speaks, while the peace bomb "bombs"
Re: Monika speaks -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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1972 ®

03/17/2024, 08:35:22
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It always seemed to me that there were 2 main types of premies: gopis and yogis.
The gopis, like Monica, prem's mistress, were always in awe of the master, no matter what he did. If he brushed his hair, petted a dog, smiled at someone... it would blow them away. They could literally swoon at anything the master said or did, and find some mystical reason why it was just for them or it was just what they needed to hear at that moment.
The yogis, on the other hand, were meditators, strictly adhering to the s,s,m routine with a heavy emphasis on meditation and their experiences with it. I was in that camp. We wanted that "practical experience" that was talked about, through the meditation,while the gopis were looking to find it  "at the feet of the master". I couldn't get into the gopi   thing, it seemed way too cultish, but I had to admit,  they got their experiences far easier that I got mine. I had to hole up in a closet for 4 hours to get my experience, while they just had to watch a video or look at an  old Divine Times magazine to get theirs....or better yet, catch a little satsang from someone who had just been with the divine master himself...
So, I think it's safe to assume that prem's mistress is a gopi. And I think it's also safe to assume that there's not too much critical thinking or reasoning going on in that mind of hers. (If there was, she would technically be "in her mind", and that's a strict "no-no"
I get all that. But I do have to wonder when the few remaining premies will wake up and realize that prem is simply putting old wine into new wineskins, and no matter how you package it, the 4 techniques are at the heart of "knowledge" and no one seems to get very much from them, except maybe a brief sense of peace that comes from any form of inward focusing-journaling, yoga, mindfulness,focused awareness,taking a walk in the park etc.
It's amusing for me to watch premies squirm around and try to find a justification for prem's latest forays into enlightening the world through 4 shop worn techniques that no one even does with any great will be interesting to see how long this new package lasts....and what the excuse will be when the world doesn't rush to embrace it...or maybe the "peace bomb" will finally ignite this time, if only the premies can finally get it together....I'm not holding my breath on that one...
It's interesting to see from the outside how blind to these things prem really is, or appears to be.....
He used to say that "people take one look at me, then they look at you (the premies), and what they see with you, determines whether they look back at me or not. The implication was clearly that the premies didn't have their lives together, at least to his satisfaction. But when you get a real look into the life of prem rawat these days, it's clear that you don't need to look any further, at the premies lives.The dysfunction you see there, is enough to turn you away, and turn your stomach too....

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