Re: I had experiences like that too
Re: I had experiences like that too -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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13 ®

02/13/2024, 06:13:13
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Yes, back to school. My wife, who was exiting her own cult when I was leaving mine, started a module on one of her further education courses on 'critical thinking'.

Just that phrase got me thinking. Critical as in important, or critical as in making judgements? Either way, or both, it was basic stuff - should be taught in schools - who is saying what and why? What context are they viewing things from? What other ways are there of looking at the same thing? What evidence is available to support what is being said? And so on. It triggered many small revelations and a few bigger ones, every day - it was like bowling down skittles, and we could hardly miss. Assumptions we'd made. Accepted wisdom taken on board uncritically. Wishful thinking. Lack of research. Obvious biases. It became obvious that there were other biases, but closer to home, and harder to see. And that this uncovering of things wasn't a dissembling phase we were going through, but a new way of going ahead - deeper and far more interesting and not too predictable.

And yet still, I sometimes see a fragment of that cult template at work. It won't go away. I used to see things differently as a kid, and different again in the cult, and now different again, but I remember many of the older ways.

It's not all bad, but it's handy to remember which glasses you've got on.

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