Re: Thin pickings for me
Re: Re: Thin pickings for me -- prembio Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

01/14/2024, 15:47:17
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I went looking for info on RoundUp.

This is a link to a study done in 2019.  It is funded by the University of Florida and claims to be impartial.  It's on an official US govt. website.

I remember the initial excitement over Roundup - this is a weed-killer we can use because it becomes inert on contact with the soil.  

It really was the best thing since sliced bread.  

We kinda knew though, at the back of our heads that it probably really was too good to be true.  It's just, as you captured so well, that we so wanted it to be true, the weeds grew faster than our sweat could fall.

That was when I was living up Left Band Rd and on the western side the whole end of the valley was bananas.

It never occurred to me to wonder how the hillsides where nothing grew but bananas happened, I just sort of thought they created their own environment, triumphed like a giant weed, I guess but there was a big fish kill just down the road from them years later and it came from an old shed beside the creek full of drums of chemicals they'd used previous to Roundup.

The Google rule of thumb is it stays active in the soil for 6 months.  

There's a lot to support the idea that it is heavy usage of glyphosate that creates a lot of the problems, including my own experience.  I don't regret using it on the bamboo, but when it was used excessively on the top edge of my property I experienced some plant-kill and a lot of failure to thrive.  There was an extremely excessive usage in front of the mango tree.  It created an area where not even the weeds could grow for at least six months.

They use a whipper-snipper now.  It's like going from darkness to light. 

Where are the fruit bats when you need them.  Just this morning two more beautiful fruit dropped from the mango tree.  I have filled the freezer and made a big pot of mango and ginger chutney and have a big pot of mango pulp ready to make ice cream.  I am going to have a go at making a reduced caramelised mango puree with some of it, see how it works.

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