Re: What are all 9 techniques?
Re: What are all 9 techniques? -- karenl Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
SuzyQ ®

12/15/2017, 15:37:10
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Hi, I also have no idea what the other 5 are, apparently reserved for those sanctioned to be master manipulators...
It was obviously decided at some point that knowledge lite was the best way to keep every one looping back to 'the master' and not mastering their own destiny
I have no interest in the extra 5 either....
It's not that much fun in my opinion,  being at either end of that spectrum, applying all your will to various techniques to either be a perfect master or be a perfect student 
so much spiritual pride wrapped up in all of it that it's bound to be a cause for downfall, for me, for most, and most definitely for our very vain lord of entitlement 
It's all a cooked up scam to think one NEEDS a passed down set of raj yogic disciplines to tune into your own nature. It's your own nature fer goodness sake, it's right there. Just a bit of self honesty and humility is going to take one a long way. Sooooo much mumbo jumbo fed to us for years on end, same , same , same , same , YAWN..... just say it Prem, we don't need you, we never did and we especially never will in any future - eternal or otherwise...
Karma is not expiring, I agree, no doubt he even agrees by now, though I'm sure he hasn't given up trying to squirm out of it
It's a hard rain gonna fall.....

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