Re: Deprogramming -- Quinn Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Manincar ®

07/03/2017, 12:00:01
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Hi Quinn, I have given this subject alot of thought in the past few years. How did we become so programmed ? I even underwent a six week kidnap and deprogramming event in didn't work.

I have also spent alot of time in therapy over the past 30 years with some very bright and kind therapists, ranging form Freudian Analysis to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reichian Breathwork, EMDR, Neuro Feedback and many others. 

One phenomenon that comes up in most forms of psychoanalysis is the concept of Transference. See definition below.

I am not psychologist so bear with me here. But I believe we transfer primal (parental) authority over to a Guru or similar figurehead because we are in need of a new and improved care giver and parental figure. This may be triggered by a youth spent in an abusive household. In fact I would wager that a large percentage of cult victims come from a history of child abuse.

But despite our best efforts to discover the roots of our seemingly irrational behavior, we do it unconsciously and involuntarily. It happens when we aren't looking.
In my experience we transfer or "project" onto people every day in one form or another like with political or military leaders, or other intensive relationships of all kinds. In the case of a cult leader, there are countless directional gates that funnel us deeper and deeper into a warped co-dependence. He is AS addicted to our adoration as we are to his all-knowing compassionate direction.

For me it happened subtly and insidiously, almost as if in my sleeping hours. Then one day I remember vividly (after about two years in an ashram), that I felt intense pressure to conform and to not question anymore, and to surrender compulsively (sacrifice my integrity). 

This became a very long drawn out downward spiral of increasing effort and intensified dedication. We became an army of sycophants, each trying to out-do the other, the competition boundless. All to please an imaginary-flawless-image of a spiritual leader. Someone who had MORE authority than our imperfect parents held over us...

Unbelievable yes, but the good news is that we are in a position to free ourselves now and slowly return to a more normal, loving and creative lifestyle. I hope your journey proves fruitful.

Just my two cents...and oh yeah Jai Satch

Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. One definition of transference is "the inappropriate repetition in the present of a relationship that was important in a person's childhood".

Modified by Manincar at Mon, Jul 03, 2017, 12:11:55

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