is prem a premie?
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Posted by:
SuzyQ ®

06/28/2017, 16:56:06
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 I'm copying a part of a post of mine from a thread about being around premies. 
I'm reposting on it's own thread because to me this is fundamental. 
he starts out as a premie right? at 6 or something, ludicrous, and without having asked for it but said yes because his father ( master) asked him if he wanted it.
Does he even practise? 

A couple of nights ago I read this excerpt from the Soul Rush book, on the PR bio site. It is significant to me because if I had known THIS fact , just this one, I would have left years ago. 

You see I thought of Maharaji as the ultimate premie. 
He had his master and he as a devotee was an example to me of the way to be a devotee of the master.
 As evidenced by this small paragraph from the book, this is not what he wanted me to think! see below

My personal question was, does Maharaj Ji actually think he's a divine figure? This seemed like the crux of the whole matter. Back in November I had written a little blurb for a brochure advertising the festival commemorating Hans' birthday. I had said, "This is a special occasion because it gives us a chance to see that Maharaj Ji is not only a Guru but also a premie, a person just like us." Somehow this slipped by Sharon and got printed in the Divine Times. Once it had been run off ten thousand copies' worth, Jeff came into my office and said, shaking his head, "You really blew it this time. You really did." "Why, what's the trouble?" "Maharaj Ji's no premie, stupid. When Bob saw the newspaper, he called the Boss. There's no way he's going to release that issue of the paper saying he's a premie. We have to reprint and recollate." Shaking his head, Jeff walked out. On one hand I felt sorry I'd insulted Maharaj Ji, but, wow, did that sound like ego. Thinking about it now, toward the end of January, it seemed to be rather indicative. If Maharaj Ji wouldn't step off the stage for a minute, then maybe he was afraid - if the premies got one close look, it might ruin the magic. p228-9
(The humble servant of God won't allow himself to be portrayed as just a normal person. Sophia gets a reality check but it's still not enough to enlighten her … yet.)

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