Rawat; an Overt Narcissist
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jasper ®

06/22/2017, 19:51:17
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The following was written by Christine de Louise Canonville and seems to describe Rawat perfectly. She is an internationally recognized expert in narcissism and believes there are 2 types of narcissists; overt and covert. Rawat is definitely the overt type. Coverts are more introverted and manifest their sociopathic traits differently. The full article is linked at the end of the quote.

The Overt Narcissist:  "The arrogant overt form of narcissism manifests as grandiosity.  The attribution style of this type of narcissist is preoccupied with fantasies of outstanding success in all areas; personal attractiveness, brilliance, ideal love, sense of power, accumulation of wealth etc.  Because they believe that they are unique and special, they have a grand sense of self-importance, and believe that they can only be understood by other special or high status people.  As a result they exaggerate their achievements and talents, and expect to be recognized as superior, even without sufficient achievements.  

This can be seen in their boastful, pretentious, self-centered, and self-referential behavior.  They present with high expectations of entitlement, always looking for favorable treatment, which of course interferes with all of their relationships, which they are unable to maintain satisfactorily.  They have an intense need for admiration, and work hard to seek out situations where their insatiable need can be met by others.  If, for any reason the desired admiration is not forthcoming, they will go into a rage.  They are so self-absorbed that it would rarely occur to them that others would have reciprocal needs.  Because of their need to be the “best”, they behave in a haughty manner with others.  They often feel scorned or rejected, and in return they are scornful of others.

They are interpersonally exploitative, and will take advantage of others in order to achieve their own needs. They are very arrogant, but they mask their egotism in a false humility.  They lack empathy, and are unable to identify with the needs of others; this also affects their ability to participate in groups.  Because of their feelings of worthlessness, they are often envious of others (of their talents, accomplishments and possessions), and then they arrogantly believe that others are envious of them.  This causes them to feel suspicious and untrusting of others, and deeply threatened, which creates intense feelings of rage to erupt.

They are very greedy for everything that they see others having, (i.e. information, knowledge, fame, money, position, power etc.) and they will manipulate others in a way that allows them to extract those things from them.  It is in the “having” that they feel powerful.  They also have a fondness for fast-tracking knowledge, so they will observe others whom they admire, then “model” that behavior, claiming it as their own, which means that a lot of the time they are frauds. They have no problem saying that they have achieved awards, (such as diplomas, degrees, accreditations etc), when if fact this is often untrue.

The overt narcissist is over inflated by their own importance.    If however they are criticized, contradicted, or God forbid, lose in some way, they will experience strong negative reactions.  Generally, when in public they aim at coming across as cool, calm and sophisticated, however when they cannot contain themselves they display their rage to others.  This display can later cause them to feel shame which is likely to trigger revengeful plans of action against the person who caused them to loose their control.  Sometimes the shame reaction is so severe that it creates episodes of depression and suicidal thoughts.  The arrogant overt narcissist shows marked deficits in the functioning regarding their self-concept, interpersonal relationships, social adaptations, ethics, standards and ideals."


Modified by jasper at Thu, Jun 22, 2017, 20:06:50

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