Re: Illusion of love and abuse
Re: Illusion of love and abuse -- Inis Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
SuzyQ ®

06/14/2017, 18:47:17
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Hi Inis and thanks for posting this crucial information, I'm really sorry, this must have been a profoundly troubling time for you.
I understand how exposing and vulnerable it must be to post re abuse. And no you did not create your own situation here, you found yourself simply in a situation that was skewed in the favour of a predator. 
Not for ever though and your pertinent questions to Marolyn and M are important questions that cannot be swept under the rug and left there.
You made strong choices and continue to do so in favour of yourself and in favour of Truth in general.

From what I understand in 1994 the complaint against Horton couldn't go further as you had taken your leave of the situation and the country. You wrote to Marolyn. 
The reply is a testimony to the state of mind as a premie. So much flowery justification for non participation in anything 'real', so much story line re how the within stuff somehow gets to cancel out all the other stuff if we just stick our heads in the sand a bit longer. I can see the depths of cult illusion all through it. It is ludicrous to an extent.

Yes Marolyn had even less capacity to cope with stress or conflict than before. A 3 year path of healing ahead for her at that point. Yet I doubt if hse had come to the full conclusion of her reply on her own, ie;without consultation to he husband ( who abandons her on a regular basis btw) However anyone that knows the inner workings of a bonafide cult member ( let alone cult leaders wife) knows that the capacity to deal with life in a responsible and empowered way, knowing right from wrong, taking action where necessary,that capacity is already bound and gagged years ago. any medical emergency is just going to reinforce the attitudes about stress and learned helplessness, surrender, semi religious nonsense, it's all in his control on one hand, and on the other, our semi-divine master just doesn't know how to get rid of him?

More like how to do it without implicating himself, and/or bringing up the dead and buried jagdeo scandal among other things?

More like John Horton knows enough to cause even more public scandal for others if he cares to....
How convenient the complaint didn't get any further....

John Horton was recently seen on Tv in an australian expose on 60 minutes or a program similar to it. About a year or so ago?
He was along side Kay McKinnon spouting cult speak in defence of the event they were getting ready for at Amaroo. 

How confounding for the premies....they are not to glean any information about Prem Rawat from those who either practise his techniques 
(according to M) or those who don't (according to Marolyn)
....and what about the creatures he keeps on the payroll?

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