Re: The Foot Kisser surfaces
Re: The Foot Kisser surfaces -- The Foot Kisser/A New Voice Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

05/07/2017, 01:57:15
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wow.  You are riled up at me.  Good grief.  well I guess I have to apologise for using the phrase 'double-fuck' - in explication, I used it because it is an expressive way of saying something which is quite complex to grasp if you take the long route.

I have a friend who spent some of his childhood in South Africa.  He got to see witch doctors in action.  And when the schism hit in our little part of the world, when some of his friends left the lotus feet and some of them remained attached, damned if he wanted to lose any of his friends.  And he started to think of Rawat like a witchdoctor, he put his faith in a concept.  The one you keep espousing when you depersonalise Rawat to 'the guru'.

The one where you say it doesn't matter what the guru is like, he's a catalyst for a sublime experience you couldn't otherwise have.

Eventually of course it did matter - if you can't believe in him you can't and you're left going through the motions and the richness of your experience when you did have faith in him is gone.

Personally I am somewhat astonished you are trying to make the case that he might be the living messiah for all we know, good luck with that.

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