war and peace
Re: Re: not only not 100% but less than 50%! it's not surprising we didn't all find God -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

10/03/2016, 20:04:03
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I must admit when I read that book, in my 30's and a premie, I struggled to finish it, all he does is tell the same story over and over again I thought.  I'm guessing I was too young to follow the underlying themes of the book - it's such a classic, it can't really be that lacking in content.  I haven't read it since, but I have thought about it a lot over the years. 

Big battle with the cat this morning.  She wanted food and I wanted her not to dig her paws into me to get it - we both had right on our side and it went off.  It was remarkable to find us sitting so peaceful in a pool of early morning sunshine such a short time later.

we might have had the same battle before, but a direction is unfolding which we are both happy with.  and in the meantime principles have been reaffirmed, trust has been maintained and experience has developed.

I like to remember back to that moment as a premie when I too spontaneously said it out loud - all this  Knowledge and meditating isn't bringing me peace, I'm at war with myself!

Once out of the cult I took any two conflicting beliefs I had and put them in one room to fight it out.  There was a backlog to do for all the years I was a premie.

I think it's just there in us.  The processes of making peace are on automatic and idiosyncratic.  We really didn't need a guru at all.  Yes I might have had uncertainty and two or more lines of thought going with conflicting ideas but in the end one has to trust that they will come together in peace because they are all compatible, not in conflict with reality.  Put them together and they make better than one.  Instead I got Rawat's message fouling up the works til I was stressed from inner conflict.

What a fluff piece that 'Ambassador of Peace' turns out to be in the face of life. 

um.  can you talk about the project, Bob?  is it as interesting as playing bridge?


Modified by lesley at Mon, Oct 03, 2016, 20:18:02

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