Re: taste, Lakeshore
Re: taste, Lakeshore -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
SuzyQ ®

09/28/2016, 17:01:19
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Apparently THE Knowledge contained 9 techniques, although I don't think it's called the k in Hindi. I'm pretty sure prem and the cronies made it the K word for the english speakers.
 It was Raj Yoga when I was introduced, self knowledge was a description of what was meant to transpire.
But Guru-ji didn't mention that the original technique bundle handed down through the centuries contained 9 techniques, not 4........ let me remind you Prem that is less than 50%.

Once I heard of the 9, I came to the conclusion that he practiced 9 techniques and handed out 4, just enough to get us under the spell but leaving out the self empowerment phase, in case someone became bigger than their boots and challenged him ( 'bout anything at all).
It could also be that he has hardly any idea of another 5 techniques, maybe he received and sells the mini version that had already been abbreviated for modern times and thoroughly modern paying westerners.
 Make up as many versions of reality might fit that fact as you like, bets are on the most unlikely and bizarre scenario being the truth.

One thing, these techniques always seem to be a means to an end, a flailing around in our frail humanity unable or too afraid to just be a speck in the eye of god -we seek powers. Power over mind, circumstance, our reactions, other people. Remember the book" how to win friends and influence people"? still a big seller I believe. Prem probably read it. I had a boyfriend who loved that book. I refused to read it at the time because I was uncomfortable with the idea of being manipulative.I was young and naive, looking around now it seems the entire culture is either manipulated or manipulating. I might try and read it now just to see how the hell these power hungry people think they will get one over me.

I thought I was practising meditation that was revealing my inner essence to me.
 I revered the guru because he was my saviour  my redeemer. However the mire of maya got bigger and deeper and more confusing the closer in I got. The organisation was and still is deeply weird. People that fall off the merry go round are hardly even mentioned again.They sort of evaporate very quickly out of the group consciousness, then you find yourself asking one day 10 years down the track, whatever happened to that lovely woman in the ashram....  Bizarro. 
Even more bizarre that I allowed myself to be so subjugated. When I look back it seems crazy that I stuck with a crowd who in the end weren't even able to ask direct questions and expect answers from their/my so called teacher. At the time it had formed a bit of grit, irritating me occasionally, but how numb and in total avoidance of cognitive dissonance I was as 'questions' changed to 'expressions' to not see that particular rule for what it was

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