Re: yes, the food
Re: yes, the food -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

08/30/2016, 05:46:49
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I can't say enough about it.  Surely it would be hugely successful if someone could base a restaurant on it today.  A typical breakfast spread at Sewall Ave in Boston circa 1977:

Scrambled tofu, cous cous, oatmeal, yogurt, cereals, granola, breads, bagels, fresh baked muffins, healthy pancakes, fruit, dried fruit, nuts, berries, juice... I got into a hot sauce on my cous cous habit for awhile. 

Dinners were much the same with soups, salads, grains, pastas and all sorts of amazing veggie dishes, casseroles and frequent Indian and Italian cooking.

And the welcome relief to those all day Sunday ashram video marathons: the community pot lucks before satsang!!

There was always one in the rotation who was a bit challenged in the kitchen... Marianne (not our dear poster)... we dined on crunchy indian corn (blue corn) one evening -- the Halloween decoration type.  Apparently, it never cooked, no matter how long it was boiled, until everyone was starving to the point where they couldn't wait a minute longer to try to eat it... when they almost broke their teeth and gave up.

(With sincere affection if you ever happen to read this Marianne.)

Modified by lakeshore at Tue, Aug 30, 2016, 05:55:22

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