

Keys Day is coming!!!
Posted by:
Grapevine ®

03/31/2005, 09:20:28
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Kathy Scrimgeour, of the NAM Aspirant Team, has notified the communities about requirements for the Keys programs: 

Aspirants should NOT be invited to the Keys Day for People With Knowledge.

There is a requirement that aspirants see the Introduction to the Keys, have time to reflect and then officially register for the Keys before seeing Key 1.  It is recommended that a separate Keys Event for aspirants be scheduled where they can watch the first two DVDs, take a short break and then watch the Introduction to the Keys. They will leave with the brochure and all the information they need to begin the Keys process once they feel ready to do so.

Aspirant contacts can work with the PWK contact in their city to set up a separate event for aspirants. The total time -  about 2 hours. The Keys event for aspirants should take place before April 15th.


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Re: Keys Day is coming!!! -- Grapevine Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jean-Michel ®

03/31/2005, 09:55:16
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Same old thing !!

It's been going on for ages now !!

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